solid foundationinc

Solid Foundation Entrepreneurship Program

The Solid Foundation Inc’s (TSF) primary goal is to provide entrepreneurship training for Maryland residents with a laser focused on unemployed, returning citizens and “justice involved” citizens who are in pursuit of their entrepreneurial dreams of starting a small business while supporting their families. TSF will leverage its current RE-entry partner networks and community collaborations to recruit and enroll participants for both cohorts.

Part 1 – Personal Financial Literacy

TSF will teach the individual how to manage money effectively by learning to budget and save with this free personal finance course. The TSF Financial Literacy course will teach a range of tricks and techniques which can be used to help to manage finances better. Poor personal finance management can severely affect your life and credit rating. This course will teach you about saving money, budgeting, dealing with debt, insurance, and retirement planning. TSF uses the award-winning Wells Fargo My Money Program Curriculum. Upon completion, the individual will receive a Financial Literacy certification (credential).

Part 2 – Entrepreneurship Development

TSF will teach the individual about the key elements and stages of entrepreneurship. Upon completion, the individual will receive an Entrepreneurship certification (credential) and an actual state of Maryland Business License.
Course Modules:
• Entrepreneurship 101
• Marketing Research
• Financial Statements
• Creating a Business Plan
• Credit Restoration
• A to Z Loan Process
• Social Media Marketing
• Business Plan Presentation

Part 3 – Leadership Training & Management

TSF will train the individual how to develop their leadership style and obtain the global skills and insights needed to successfully master the art of leading and managing through a powerful online training and certification course. Upon completion, the individual will receive a Leadership Training & Management certification (credential). Course Modules
• Team building skills
• Strategic thinking and planning
• How to better communicate and understand the approaches to take with
different people
• How to better understand different personalities as a manager and leader
• How to manage and lead in difficult times
The Solid Foundation, Inc. (TSF))

Part 4 – Prince George’s County Entrepreneur Concept Competition

TSF will host an annual Entrepreneur Concept Competition which allows participants from both cohorts to present their innovative business plans/idea to a panel of judges for the chance to win $1,500. The TSF sponsored Prince George’s Entrepreneur Concept Competition focuses on unleashing creativity, encouraging a mindset of abundance and self-determination, and promoting purposeful entrepreneurial action.
Course Length and Times
Duration is approximately 4 – 6 weeks long contingent upon level of engagement of the participant. Classes are 2-3 times per week for approximately two hours each. Courses are a hybrid a combination of online/zoom and face-to-face.